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Ryerson Advisory Committee recently launched a new Toolkit to combat Anti-Asian Racism (link). Entitled ‘Responding to Hate Toolkit, this unique resource responds to the increased incidents of violence and hate towards Asian Canadians, spurred by the COVID-19 Pandemics.
This toolkit delves into the differences between hate crimes, hate incidents, and acts of discrimination. It directs victims and witnesses on how to respond to each with a list of helpful resources.
The resources were developed by a group of prominent Asian-Canadians, including Judge Markya Omatsu, a member of the Order of Ontario. A prestigious team from Ryerson University also involved a lot of resource development work. The contributors include Chancellor Janice Fukakusa, Dean of Arts Pamela Sugiman; Julia Shin Doi, General Counsel and Secretary of the Board of Governors and University Privacy Officer.

According to recent data released by Statistics Canada, more than 30% of Canadians who identified as Chinese said they had perceived an increase in harassment or attacks based on race, ethnicity, or skin color in their neighborhoods since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by 27% of those who identified as Korean.
The full article is from Ryerson Today on September 15th, 2020. It and can be read from this link here: