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CPAC is a non-profit organization serving a community of internationally trained professionals. For over two decades, CPAC has been helping immigrants with employment and career advancement, gaining necessary credentials, and accessing international business opportunities. CPAC is also an organization that assists them with cultural integration into Canadian society. The organization now has over 30,000 members from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds with a wide range of professional training and skills. CPAC members get access to a comprehensive package of services and benefits to enhance their life in Canada.
加拿大中国专业人士协会(CPAC)将于12月29日晚8点邀请曼尼托巴大学免疫学系和医学微生物学与传染病学系终身教授,前曼尼托巴大学免疫学系主任、加拿大感染免疫首席科学家,杨熙博士做线上中文讲座,全面介绍奥米克戎(Omicron) 新变异株新冠病毒,加强针(booster)以及针对5至11岁儿童的新冠疫苗。杨教授届时还将在线上为大家现场答疑。
形式:Zoom Meeting,普通话讲解