Recent media coverage and how our community speaking up against Anti-Asian racism
专访专访郑琼𤥃医生:需要在两个前线作战,救治新冠病毒感染者VS与种族主义抗争; Radio Canada International (2020/05/01)
One in 5 Canadians think it’s not safe to sit beside an Asian person on the bus, according to recent poll, Toronto Star (2020/04/27)
Why it’s time for all of us to be bolder against anti-Asian racism in the age of COVID-19, by Tony Wong, Toronto Star (2020/04/15)
抗擊新冠疫情中的種族主義, 聯邦小型企業、出口促進及國際貿易部長 伍鳳儀 Mary Ng, Singtao Daily (2020/05/03)
3大城市現嚴重反亞裔偏; 4%受訪者信華人亞裔全帶病毒; Mingpao Daily, 2020/04/28